Vacancies & Elections
On this page you will find information about the current vacancies for ABS roles
Current Vacancies
Information about any vacancies can be viewed below or you can view the recent call for nominations and expressions of interest here.
For more information contact Lucy Davies on 07936 359533 or
Trustee Vacancies
Thank you for your nominations for ABS Trustee vacancies.
Elections for the posts of Vice President/ President, International Committee Chair and Honorary Treasurer will take place from 24 February to 24 March 2025.
Full and senior retired members will receive ballot information from Civica on 24 February.
Requirements to stand for the Officer and Ordinary Trustee posts
• Candidates must have been Full Fellows of the Association for at least 5 years prior to the date of their appointment as Trustee.
• Retiring or retired Trustees are not eligible to stand for the International Committee Chair, Honorary Treasurer and Ordinary Trustee posts (other than retiring or retired Ordinary Trustees, who may stand for any vacancy other than the Ordinary Trustee post) until they have demitted office for two years. If no candidates are nominated then a second call for nominations will be circulated and those individuals previously excluded can then be nominated.
Requirements to stand for the post of President/ Vice President
• In addition, candidates for the post of President/ Vice President must have acted in one of the following roles in relation to the ABS: an Ordinary Trustee, an Officer, a Regional Representative, chairman of a committee (appointed in accordance with Article 29.3), or Regional Screening Representative, a member of the Screening and Audit Committee, Education and Training, Academic and Research, Clinical Practice & Standards Committee, Aesthetic Breast Surgery or International Committee; or as an Honorary Officer, Committee Chair or an elected representative or screening representative on the ABS at BASO National Committee.
Nomination Process for Trustee posts
• Candidates to be nominated by two Full Fellows or Senior Retired Fellows.
• Full and Senior Retired Fellows may nominate more than one candidate for a post
• All nominations should be sent to by 10am on Monday 3rd February 2025
• Nominations to come from and be signed by the Full Fellow or Senior Retired Fellow proposing the candidate and should also be signed by the Full Fellow or Senior Retired Fellow seconding the nomination. Electronic signatures are acceptable. Please ensure all nominations state which post the candidate is applying for.
• Nominations to include the consent of the candidate showing their willingness to be appointed (if successful).
- If there is more than one candidate for any of the posts, in order to ensure that as many of the members as possible can participate in the election process, the Full and Senior Retired Fellows will be balloted prior to the AGM to identify the candidate to be proposed to the AGM. The ballot will take place in February & March 2025.
- The preferred candidate from the ballot will then be put to the AGM for a formal vote (by Ordinary Resolution), which formalises the appointment and gives legal force to the result of the ballot.
• Role descriptions for the posts are available and candidates should consider both their suitability for the role and also their other commitments to ensure they would have the time available to undertake the post fully if successful. Should you wish to discuss any of the posts please ring Lucy Davies on 07936 359533.
• Trustee posts are for a period of 2 years, which may be extended by one further period of 3 years. The Vice President serves a 2 year term, followed by a 2 year term as President and a 1 year term as Past President.
• The Executive Board normally meets about 6 times per year. There are currently 3 face to face meetings, with the others being online. Trustees are expected to attend 70% of the meetings in a year and to attend in person when it is a face to face meeting. The International Committee meets three or four times per year with all meetings currently being online. Trustees may also be expected to serve on other ABS committees as co-opted members.
• There will be a month long transition period between the current and the new post holders following the AGM in May 2025. This is to enable a full handover to take please
Role descriptions
Regional Representative Vacancies
Any vacancies for Regional Representatives will appear below.
Consultant Breast Surgeon, Rick Linforth, describes the responsibilities involved in being an ABS Regional Representative.
The regional representatives sit on the Clinical Practice and Standards Committee and play an important role in both representing the views of the full members in their region to the committee and also feeding back from the ABS to the membership. In addition regional representatives may be asked to take on additional roles relating to their committee, such as representing the ABS on other groups such as NICE, PHIN, CORESS etc. They are also now involved in coordinating an ABS regional meeting every two years.
The term of office is 2 years, with a possible extension of 3 years. Candidates must be full members of the Association. A role description is available on the website. The Clinical Practice & Standards Committee meets four times a year. At present 2 meetings per year are virtual and two face to face.
All nominations must be proposed and seconded by two full or senior retired members of the ABS and must be e-mailed to by the 10th March 2025 at 10am. The nomination e-mail must come from the person proposing the candidate and name the person acting as seconder. Should an election be required it will be on a first past the post basis of the full and senior retired members of the ABS in the region.
Committee Vacancies
We are calling for expressions of interest for a number of vacancies on ABS Committees. The available posts are as follows:
Academic & Research Committee
• 1 trials nursing representative (Affiliate or Nurse Member)
Nursing Committee
• 1 regional representative for East Midlands (Affiliate or Nurse Member working in the East Midlands region)
• 1 regional representative for the South West (Affiliate or Nurse Member working in the South West region)
Consultant Nurse in Breast Research, Dr Sue Hartup, shares her experience of being a member of the ABS Nursing and Academic and Research Committees.
Applicants for the member of the Academic & Research Committee can be of any grade, but please note that there are specific nurse and trainee representatives on the committee.
The nursing committee regional representative should be an affiliate or nurse member, who works in the region they are to represent. They represent the members in their region on the Nursing Committee and are also involved in the organisation of an ABS regional meeting every two years.
Candidates must be able to attend at least two committee meetings per year and be available to attend face to face meetings. ABS Committees now meet four times a year. Generally two meetings are virtual and two meetings are face to face. Committee members are expected to work in between time on various committee projects.
Members wishing to apply for these committee roles should send a letter by e-mail to by 10 March 2025, naming the role they are applying for and stating the relevant experience they have to fulfil the role. A short (3 page maximum) CV should be included for reference. There are no elections for committee membership but selection will be made by the committee members and chairs on the merit of the applications and the needs/ composition of the committees at the time. All committee posts are approved by the Executive Board.
Should you wish to discuss any of the posts please contact Lucy Davies on 07936 359533 or by e-mail at