Contact Us

Margarita Bartholomew
Courses & Events Manager
Please contact Margarita if you have an enquiry about:
- ABS' Courses Portfolio
- Education and Training Committee
- Aesthetic Breast Surgery Committee
- Registration for ABS courses and events
- Attendance certificates/receipts for ABS events or courses
- Sponsorship for ABS courses and events

Lucy Davies
Chief Operating Officer
Please contact Lucy if you have an enquiry about:
- The Association's role
- Clinical Practice & Standards Committee
- Executive Board
- International Committee
- Finance
- Media enquiries
- ABS Conference

Lena Sebova
Membership Manager
Please contact Lena if you have an enquiry about:
- Membership (Contact details, subscriptions & receipts)
- Joining the ABS
- Membership of ABS Networks
- Academic & Research Committee
- ABS Research Development Grants
- Sandpit sessions
- Nursing Committee

James Hewison
Communications & Association Coordinator
Please contact James if you have an enquiry about:
- ABS website
- Communications
- Email bulletins and newsletters
- Social media
- ABS Yearbook

Our Address
Association of Breast Surgery
at the Royal College of Surgeons of England
38 - 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields