Latest News
The latest news, updates and statements from the Association of Breast Surgery.
NCCBP ABP COVID 19 Breast Pathology Guidance
Guidance has been released in relation to Breast Pathology services
Guidance on radiation therapy for breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
Guidance has been produced in relation to radiation therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic
The ABS issued a statement for its members in relation to COVID 19 on the 15th March 2020
ABS Statement on the Report of the Independent Inquiry into the issues raised by Paterson
The ABS released a statement on the 4th February 2020
Updated statement on Breast Implant Safety
The ABS, BAAPS, BAPRAS and MHRA released the following statement on breast implant safety on the 4th April 2019.
Update on the breast screening incident
The following information is an update on the national breast screening incident.
Allergan Textured Breast Implants - Further advice to surgeons
The ABS has issued this further update to its members on the 21st December 2019
The ABS circulated the attached message to its members on the 21st December
Allergan Textured Breast Implants - advice to surgeons
The ABS has released the following statement on the 20th December 2018.