Criteria for Badging & Endorsement

There are now two ways in which the ABS can support trials and there are criteria for both:

Badging aims to support key national research studies in either breast surgery or in breast related research where breast surgeons have a fundamental role in delivering the research.  It is envisaged that these will be multicentre studies with recruitment open across the ABS membership.

You can find the ABS' criteria for badging trials here Find the application form for ABS badging of a trial hereABS badging is intended to promote and support multicentre trials that the entire membership can recruit to. 

Endorsement aims to support and raise the profile of studies that do not meet the criteria for ABS badging. These may include clinical trials not open for recruitment across the whole membership, or other studies felt to be of importance, including trainee collaboratives.

You can find the ABS' criteria for endorsing trials here. Find the application form for ABS endorsement of a trial here.


Feasibility or Pilot studies conducted as part of the development of a larger study or trial can be considered for endorsement. If the work is successful and a larger study is then developed as a result and meets the badging criteria, we would then be delighted to consider a further application for ABS badging once those criteria are met.


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