Professional Standards

On this page you will find information about the standards set out for surgeons carrying out cosmetic procedures.



The following documents set out the standards for surgeons providing cosmetic procedures.

GMC Guidance for doctors who offer cosmetic interventions (June 2016).

RCS Professional standards for Cosmetic Surgery (April 2016).

Doctors use of Social Media (March 2013)

RCS Cosmetic Surgery Certification


The RCS has undertaken work to introduce a voluntary certification process for surgeons undertaking cosmetic surgery. Surgeons will need to on the GMS Specialist Register, and provide evidence of their clinical skills, experience, professional skills and behaviour. Applicants will also attend a mandatory masterclass on professional skills in cosmetic surgery. Certification will be valid for a period of 5 years.


Further information is available here.

Links to related topics:



Private practice (ABS)

Medico-legal (ABS)

Breast implant registry (ABS)