Latest News
The latest news, updates and statements from the Association of Breast Surgery.
Urgent Update on PIP Implants: Statement by Andrew Lansley, Secretary of State
The following statement has been released on Friday 6th January 2012.
Tripartite Statement on PIP Implants from the ABS, BAAPS and BAPRAS
The following statement has been issued on the 5th January 2012 by the Association of Breast Surgery, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons:
An update on PIP Breast Implants has been issued by the MHRA in December 2011.
Silicone gel filled breast implants manufactured by PIP
The Association of Breast Surgery at BASO has received a Medical Device Alert from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
Report from AFSSAPS on PIP Breast Implants
The MHRA has written to inform the ABS that testing by AFSSAPS has confirmed their results of 9 months in relation to PIP breast implants.
Medical Device Alert - Breast Implants
A medical device alert has been received from the MHRA.
Update from the MHRA, ABS and BAPRAS on PIP implants
PIP (Poly Implant Prothese) implants - preliminary toxicity and genotoxicity studies.