Latest News
The latest news, updates and statements from the Association of Breast Surgery.
ABS receives Best Online Distance Learning Programme Award
ABS awarded Gold for the Best Online Distance Learning Programme.
ABS statement on cosmetic tourism
ABS welcomes call for collaboration to protect those thinking about traveling overseas for surgery.
UK Mo-99 and I-131 Radioisotope supply update
An update on the current problems with the UK’s supply of radioisotopes from Europe.
Presenting an Abstract at the ABS Conference
Caroline Tweedie, experienced clinical nurse specialist and cancer rehabilitation practitioner, shares her experience of presenting her research at the ABS Conference 2024.
UK Mo-99 and I-131 Radioisotope supply Impacted by repair of High Flux Reactor, The Netherlands
Guidance on the current problems with the UK’s supply of radioisotopes from Europe.
College Assessors for Royal College of Surgeons of England
The Royal College of Surgeons (England) are looking for Breast consultants to become College Assessors.
UK National Flap Registry - Call for feedback
Benjamin Baker, the new UK National Flap Registry Lead, calls for feedback from ABS Members.