
Miss Leena Chagla Portrait

Miss Leena Chagla ABS President

Miss Leena Chagla is the President of the Association of Breast Surgery and past-President of the Liverpool and Northwest Society of Surgeons. She heads the breast unit at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals which is actively involved in clinical innovation and trials. She continues to publish regularly in peer reviewed journals. Leena qualified from Grant Medical College, Mumbai, with a gold medal in Surgery. Whilst in India, she trained at the Sir JJ Hospital and at the Tata Memorial Cancer Centre. Her passion for surgical oncology developed in those formative years. She is a popular speaker both nationally and internationally and is involved in the development of guidelines for the management of breast cancer. She is passionate about MDT working and she launched the Anti-bullying Campaign (#CoreItOut) for ABS in alliance with RCSEd. She represented ABS on the pathology Big 18 and the organising committee of Symposia Mammographicum. Leena was instrumental in setting up the International Forum at ABS with a view to sharing good practice globally. She is committed to improving and standardising Breast cancer care through education and training. She is an Educational Supervisor for the National Oncoplastic Fellow and she is a Professional Clinical Advisor for screening to Public Health England. Outside of work Leena is a keen sportswoman having played water-polo for Maharashtra, Liverpool and the Northern Counties at the highest level.

Professor P G Roy Portrait

Professor P G Roy Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Roy is a Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon in Oxford since 2011. She only performs breast surgery and offers all aspects including breast cancer surgery, reconstruction surgery and cosmetic surgery. She graduated from University of Delhi, India and underwent higher surgical training at Oxford. She was selected for prestigious National Oncoplastic Fellowship at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in 2009 and did a higher degree in research in breast cancer from University of Dundee. Since her appointment, she has set up a successful Oncoplastic breast service at OUH trust. A full range of reconstructive service is being offered in close association with plastic surgeons, who perform free flap reconstruction. She is a very dedicated clinician and offers compassionate consultations and individualized expert advice and opinion for breast problems. Miss Roy specializes in diagnosis and management of breast diseases, both benign and malignant. Her specialist interest includes surgical management of breast cancer whilst ensuring an optimum aesthetic outcome by offering specialist techniques such as mammaplasty and partial breast reconstruction. She offers immediate breast reconstruction with implants and flaps for patients undergoing mastectomy for breast cancer and offers sentinel lymph node biopsy for axillary staging of patients with breast cancer. She also offers correction of breast deformities and/or breast asymmetry to patients having undergone breast cancer surgery in the past. She is actively involved in breast cancer research and is the principal investigator at Oxford for national and international trials. She is motivated to enhance the research in the field and is actively involved in recruiting patients for research projects in collaboration with CRUK.

Professor Ramsey Cutress Portrait

Professor Ramsey Cutress University of Southampton

Ramsey Cutress is Professor of Breast Surgery and Consultant Surgeon at the University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton. Ramsey was a member of the writing group for the NICE Early and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Guideline (NG101) and the ABS BAPRAS Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction Guidelines, and he is co-director of the ABS Advanced Skills in Breast Disease Management Course. His clinical research interests include breast cancer in young women as a member of the POSH study research team and the investigation of patient and host determinants of breast cancer outcomes including genetic predisposition, immunological and lifestyle factors. He is currently involved in various national research studies and clinical trials including the EndoNET HTA funded trail of neo-adjuvant endocrine therapy. He is Chair of the Academic and Research Committee of the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) and breast sub-specialty editor for the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Mr Daniel Leff Portrait

Mr Daniel Leff Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Daniel is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Breast Surgery working in the Departments of BioSurgery and Surgical Technology, the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery and the Cancer Research UK Centre at Imperial College London. Daniel is Co-PI on the CRUK funded “REI-EXCISE” trial which seeks to validate a mass-spectrometry based intelligent knife or “iKnife” as an immediate margin detection system to improve the precision of breast conserving surgery, reduce re-operative intervention, and enhance quality of life. He leads a UK wide team working on a CRUK-EPSRC funded project “MAMMOBOT” to design a flexible growing ductoscopic robot for early breast cancer detection. Daniel Co-Chairs the “Precision Therapy” theme of Imperial’s CRUK Centre and represents cancer surgery for the Imperial ECMC. He has published over 150 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals on subjects relating to the application of surgical technologies, sensing and robotics to improve cancer surgery. His teams research has won national and international recognition, including the Hounsfield Prize, British Journal of Surgery Prize (ABS), Patey Prize (SARS), Sir Pat Forrest Award (BBG), Parasuraman Award, Athanasiou Medal (ABME), and the young scientist award nomination at MICCAI. He has attracted funding from Industry (Waters Corp, Hitachi Medical Corp), the Academy of Medical Sciences and Wellcome Trust, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Association of Breast Surgery, Cancer Research UK, and the National Institute for Health and Care Research. Daniel won the Ronald Raven Prize Travelling Fellowship to learn from experts in Breast Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the forefront Cancer Center in USA, and more recently the Price Thomas Fellowship of the Travelling Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. More recently he won the highly prestigious James IV Travelling Association of Surgeons. He has delivered a number of key-note lectures including “McGuire Lecture in Surgical Oncology”(Queens University, Kingston, Canada).

Mr Lee Martin Portrait

Mr Lee Martin Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Miss Sue Down Portrait

Miss Sue Down James Paget University Hospital

Sue Down is an Associate Professor at UEA and Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Breast surgery at the James Paget University Hospital. She Completed her initial surgical training in Manchester, and has a PhD in Cancer Studies at the University of Birmingham. She also Undertook a National TIG Oncoplastic Fellowship and was Chair of the National Breast Trainees Group. In addition to her clinical role, she is Course Director for several award winning Mastership programmes in Specialist Breast Surgery at the University of East Anglia and has broad experience in clinical assessment methods. Sue is the Current Chair of the National Education and Training committee, Association of Breast Surgery, UK.

Mr Thomas Hubbard Portrait

Mr Thomas Hubbard Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Trust

Tom is the current Chair of the Mammary Fold. He is an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer and ST8 Breast Surgery Registrar in Exeter. His current research interests lie in translational research, where he collaborates with Professor Stone's group at the University of Exeter using Raman Spectroscopy in breast surgery. He has been the MF South West Peninsula Regional Representative, secretary to the Mammary Fold 2021-2023 and currently sits on the Mammary Fold Academic Committee.

Mr Laszlo Romics Portrait

Mr Laszlo Romics NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Laszlo Romics is a consultant oncoplastic breast and general surgeon at Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and regional QA lead of NHS Scotland Breast Screening Programme.

Dr Kathryn Sinclair Portrait

Dr Kathryn Sinclair

Miss Julie Doughty Portrait

Miss Julie Doughty Gartnavel General Hospital

Mr Ashu Gandhi Portrait

Mr Ashu Gandhi Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Ashu Gandhi works as a Consultant Breast Surgeon in Manchester. He has previously served the ABS in a variety of roles and is current Chair of the NHS BSP Screening Audit Committee.

Ms Claire Rutherford Portrait

Ms Claire Rutherford St. Vincent's University Hospital

Ms. Rutherford is a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at St. Vincent's University Hospital. Her specialist area of interest is breast surgery with reconstruction including breast conserving surgery through the use of therapeutic mammoplasty/breast reduction and chest wall perforator flaps, as well as whole breast implant-based reconstruction following mastectomy.

Dr Elizabeth Mallon Portrait

Dr Elizabeth Mallon University of Glasgow

Mr James Mansell Portrait

Mr James Mansell Gartnavel General Hospital

Mr James Mansell is a Consultant Breast Surgeon and works as an NHS consultant at in Glasgow. Working alongside his Consultant Breast Radiology colleagues any necessary breast imaging (mammography/ultrasound) and biopsy (tissue sampling) can be performed during your visit to his clinic.

Professor Iain MacPherson Portrait

Professor Iain MacPherson The Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow

Iain Macpherson is a medical oncologist specialising in the treatment of breast cancer.