
Information about the ABS International Forum and Network and the work they are undertaking.

The ABS International Forum was set up in 2017.  Its aims are:

  • To meet the charitable goals of the Association
  • To raise the profile of ABS internationally by forming relationships with overseas groups and individual practitioners
  • To reach out to help low and middle income countries in their fight against breast cancer
  • To provide an opportunity for ABS members to assist with projects and teaching in low and middle income countries

You can download the terms of reference for the International Forum here

If you have a query about the ABS International Forum please contact or 020 7869 6852


The British Foundation for International Reconstructive Surgery & Training (BFIRST) and their partner Professor Abdulrasheed Ibrahim, Department of Surgery ABU Zaria, Nigeria, have obtained a THET grant to enhance and develop the MDT in breast cancer services in Ghana and Nigeria.  The ABS is supporting them in the delivery of this project.

The project aims to increase and improve the communication within the Breast MDT in Nigeria and Ghana. They are therefore looking for MDT core-members: breast care nurses, pathologists, oncologists, radiologists, breast surgeons and plastic surgeons to give 2-3 20 minute talks on relevant topics online/taped and in person.

They have two courses which include a three day course in person, which is a mixture of online and in person talks, and a two day Training the Trainers course: one week in Nigeria in the last week of June and the same the week after (first week of July) in Ghana and aim to have an online resource for the development of local MDTs, which they would also like help with very much.

They have the travel and accommodation costs covered (taking an economy flight).  Further information is available here.

Anyone interested in taking part should contact Barbara Jemec on: or

Tasmia Asif Cancer Hospital and Research Centre CIC is a not-for-profit community interest company established to improve cancer care in Bangladesh through the sharing of facilities, equipment, knowledge, training, and research. With cancer being a major public health burden in Bangladesh, TACHRC aims to bridge the gap between patients and the treatment they require.

TACHRC supports the building, development, and maintenance of the TACHRC hospital through fundraising efforts to equip and maintain the facility. Additionally, the CIC provides ABS-certified courses to local trainees and arranges for volunteers, such as breast surgeons, to assist Ms Tahmid in running clinics, providing care and education, and designing training programs for local healthcare professionals.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like to know more about TACHRIC, please visit their website

Or email: or telephone: 07960 715952

TACHRC is committed to expanding the scale of their work to provide sustainable clinical and academic services in Bangladesh.

The 2nd Bulawayo Breast Cancer Symposium on 22-24 July 2024 will be hosted by the ABS-United Bulawayo Hospitals Partnership in Zimbabwe. We’re planning to structure the event around a parallel programme for doctors and nurses:

Day 1: Updates on breast disease management including short presentations, interactive tutorials and practical sessions.
Day 2: Keynote presentations by a range of international speakers, showcasing the challenges faced not only by the Partnership Project, but also by many Partnerships working in LMIC settings.
Day 3: Practical hands-on workshops, teaching breast ultrasound using models, and demonstrating surgical procedures using cadaveric material.

The faculty for the course are self funded but this is a great opportunity to get involved in the ABS’ work in Matabeleland South. If you are interested in being a faculty member on the course please contact Lucy Davies at


The ABS is pleased to offer a bursary for a surgeon from a low or middle income country to attend the ABS Conference being held in Bournemouth on the 13th & 14th May 2024.  The bursary also includes a two week observership in the Breast Unit at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester, part of the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The bursary includes:

  • £1,000 towards your travel and accommodation in the UK
  • Complimentary registration for the ABS Conference

To qualify for the bursary candidates must:

  • Be resident and working full time in an LMI country
  • Work in a government or charitable institution
  • Not have attended the ABS Conference before

To apply for the bursary candidates should:

  • Submit a covering letter to the ABS outlining what they hope to gain from the bursary
  • Submit a short (3 page) CV

Applications should be sent to by the 3rd November 2023

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our International Network Meeting on the 9th October 2023 at 4pm

Watch the webinar back here


1600 to 1605 Welcome and Introductions Mr Mike McKirdy
1605 to 1625 Approaches to the implementation of the Global Breast Cancer Initiative Mr Benjamin Anderson
Medical Officer, Cancer Control, WHO
1625 to 1640 University of Oxford Global Surgery Course Mr Tony Jefferis
1640 to 1650 Chandrapur Project Update Mr Mina Youssef
1650 to 1700 MDT Case Discussion Ms Rose Alenyo

Matabeleland South Province is one of the most deprived areas in Zimbabwe.  A breast cancer patient's pathway is painfully slow, resulting in many being diagnosed at a late stage, when their cancer can no longer be cured.

The ABS is working with partners in health, education and government in Zimbabwe to improve breast cancer care in Matabeleland South. We aim to establish 2 rural clinics, in Gwanda and Beitbridge, with the ability to diagnose cancer.  This involves equipping clinics and training staff in breast diagnosis, including the use of portable ultrasound devices where the image can be seen on a mobile phone or tablet.  

The ABS is fundraising to support its Matabeleland South Project.  The funds raised will, amongst other things, be put towards training of staff in Matabeleland South, equipping clinics to undertake breast diagnosis, providing a borehole at one of the clinics and providing patients with information about breast cancer.  

Donate online here

For more information click here

The ABS has partnered with the United Bulawayo Hospitals to deliver a project funded by the Tropical Health and Education Trust to identify challenges in breast cancer investigations and diagnosis, and to develop a training course to build capacity in specialist care.  Dick Rainsbury writes about this in the latest THET blog

ABS Overseas Courses in 2019

In 2019 the ABS ran its first overseas breast course in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.  A faculty of 8 ran a 3 day course at the United Bulawayo Hospitals.

To read a report of the Bulawayo course please click here

A second group of ABS members travelled to Nairobi and ran a 3 day course involving cadaveric dissection before participating in a 2 day symposium.  

To read a report of the Nairobi course please click here

Future Faculty for ABS Courses

If you are interested in being involved in a future ABS overseas course please contact Lucy Davies at for further information

In recent years the ABS has offered fellowships to healthcare professionals from overseas to come to the UK to attend the ABS Conference and also undertake an observership in a UK breast unit. 

You can read reports by a number of recent fellows here:

Dr Tashi Dendup Wangi, Bhutan

Dr Munyaradzi Magara, Zimbabwe

Dr Rose Alenyo, Uganda

The Royal College of Surgeons of England's International Surgical Training Programme (ISTP) enables a limited numer of overseas surgeons to undertake specialist clinical training in the UK NHS for a minimum of 12 months up to a maximum of 2 years.  For more information about the scheme see the RCS website.

To read about Bahaty Riogi, a previous trainee's, experience of the ISTP please click here

A number of ABS members are undertaking teaching, training and other projects in low and middle income countries.  You can read a number of reports about their experiences here:

Development of Breast Cancer Services in the West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPt)

Read a report by Jane Macaskill (Breast Surgeon in Dundee) about her work with the charity, Medical Aid for Palestine, here

Setting up a triple assessment clinic in Malawi

Read a report by Briony Ackroyd-Parkin about developing a quality breast service in Malawi here

Breast Health Education in Nigeria

Read a report by Georgette Oni (Plastic Surgeon in Nottingham) about running a breast health awareness day and flap transfer and microsurgery course in Nigeria here

UK AIIMS Cadaveric Breast Reconstruction Course, India

Read a report by Sankaran Narayanan (Breast Surgeon in Stoke) about the 2019 course in New Delhi here

Denise Coates, who kindly fundraises for the ABS International Forum, has written a short memoire/ self help guide, “Breast Cancer Conquered Together”.  The book is available from all good book stores and as an e-book.  Part of the proceeds of the book will go to the ABS International Forum.