Information from the UKBCG about the release of PREDICT V3

The team behind PREDICT are releasing the new version PREDICT V3 in the near future. 

The Executive of UKBCG and others have analysed this new version in detail and at present they cannot endorse its use.

They are aware that there is a process of evaluating the possibility of de-escalating SACT in certain areas. These are all currently the subject of clinical trials; the results of which should be awaited. Hence in the meanwhile, they feel they cannot endorse PREDICTv3 due to the assumptions made within it.
They would therefore suggest that if clinicians use this, they read the explanations made within it very carefully. 

The new aspects of v3 are the inclusion of radiotherapy and its harms and the subtraction of chemotherapy harms from the overall survival benefit. They are assured that v2 will still be available for use.