Allergan Textured Breast Implants - Further advice to surgeons

The ABS has issued this further update to its members on the 21st December 2019

As previously advised, the CE certificate for textured breast implants and tissue expanders manufactured by Allergan (Microcell ® and Biocell ®) expired on 16 December 2018.

As a result Allergan have stopped selling these implants and expanders, and intends to withdraw all remaining supply in European markets.  This has now been confirmed by Allergan in the attached release

'As a precautionary measure, we request that you immediately hold Allergan brand textured implants you have on hand in your facility, and we will contact you soon to organize the return of these products.'

ABS advises that any of these implants or tissue expanders must not now be used.

Smooth implants and expanders manufactured by Allergan still have a CE mark.

The MHRA advises that patients who already have Allergan breast implants or expanders do not need to have them removed or replaced.

ABS continues to work with the MHRA about this issue, and the Association's advice will be updated if further information becomes available.

Mark Sibbering