ABS response to the conviction of Mr Ian Paterson

Mr Ian Paterson was found guilty of 17 counts of wounding with intent and three counts of unlawful wounding at Nottingham Crown Court on 28th April and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment on 31st May 2017.

The Association of Breast Surgery would like to express its sympathy to the patients who have suffered as a result of Mr Paterson’s actions.

Although Mr Paterson has never been a member of the Association of Breast Surgery, the organisation views this incident very seriously.  Work is ongoing to review the events that have occurred and identify lessons that can be learnt, both general and those specific to breast surgery. These will be disseminated to our members and those involved in breast care.   

We would like to reassure patients that this incident reflects the actions of a single individual surgeon working outside acceptable standards of care and does not represent the current standard of breast care in the UK. The first priority of our members is always the health, wellbeing and safety of patients.

The Association of Breast Surgery constantly endeavours to raise the already high standards of breast surgery by providing members with ongoing education and training with support for research and national audits. These collectively aim to ensure the delivery of a high standard of breast surgery care throughout the UK.


Mark Sibbering (President)

on behalf of the Trustees of the Association of Breast Surgery

31st May 2017