PIP Implants: Updated Guidance

The ABS, BAPRAS, BAAPS, FSSA and Royal College of Surgeons have issued a joint surgical statment on clinical guidance for patients, GPs and surgeons on PIP implants.

The Association of Breast Surgery, the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, the Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations and the Royal College of Surgeons participated in the expert group convened by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh to review policy in relation to breast implants from the French company PIP.  All organisations have endorsed the findings of the interim report published on 6th January 2012.

They have released a Joint surgical statement on clinical guidance for patients, GPs and surgeons. To download the advice please click here.

A media statement has also been released by the five professional surgical organisations.  To view the statement please click here.