
Monday 19 May

Speaker(s) Portrait
09:00 to 09:05
Miss Leena Chagla
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:05 to 09:35
The Future of Breast Cancer Treatment
Professor Michael Gnant
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:40 to 09:55
Mastectomy Planes and Pedicles
Dr Nicola Rocco
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:55 to 10:10
Flat Mastectomies
Miss Jenna Morgan
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:10 to 10:25
When Mastectomies go Wrong
Speaker To Be Confirmed
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:25 to 10:40
The Contralateral Breast
Miss Rachel O'Connell
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:40 to 10:55
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:40 to 09:55
Pain in the Post-treatment Breast Cancer Patient
Dr Sue Hartup
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:55 to 10:10
Anxiety in the Post-treatment Breast Cancer Patient
Professor Nazanin Derakhshan
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:10 to 10:25
Restricted Mobility After Breast Cancer Treatment
Karen Livingstone
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:25 to 10:45
Skin Management After Treatment
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:45 to 10:55
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:40 to 09:50
Clinicopathological characteristics and technical outcomes of node marking techniques and targeted axillary dissection in patients with node-positive breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Results from 772 participants in ATNEC randomised phas
Miss Monika Kaushik
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:50 to 10:00
The impact of pre-operative Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® testing; the results of the PRE-DX randomised controlled trial
Mr Henry Cain
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:00 to 10:10
Breast augmentation: The ugly truth of the hidden NHS burden
Ms Sadia Jaskani
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:10 to 10:20
Meta-analysis of the long-term oncological safety of immediate breast reconstruction in patients with locally advanced breast cancer
Mr Max Seabrook
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:20 to 10:30
The impact of high penetrance genetic testing on surgical decision making
Ms Akriti Nanda
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:30 to 10:40
Impact of Feedback from Wearable Devices in Recovery after Breast Cancer Surgery
Mr Ahmed Latif
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:40 to 10:50
Superior Survival and Lower Recurrence Outcomes with Breast-Conserving Surgery Compared to Mastectomy Following Neoadjuvant Therapy in 607 Breast Cancer Patients
Damiano Gentile
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:35 to 11:50
AR in Breast Surgery
Pedro Gouveia
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:50 to 12:05
Are we Ready for Robotic Mastectomy?
Dr Antonio Toesca
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:05 to 12:20
AI in breast Pathology reporting - A North Wales experience
Dr Anu Gunavardhan
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:20 to 12:35
CINDERELLA Project: The patient side
Professor María João Cardoso
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:35 to 12:50
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:35 to 11:45
Submitted paper: Ductal carcinoma In Situ Cavity shave (DISC) Randomised Control Trial - A pilot study protocol
Buket Ertansel
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:45 to 11:55
Submitted Paper 2
Speaker To Be Confirmed
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:55 to 12:10
Decoding DCIS
Professor Ellie Sawyer
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:10 to 12:25
Margins and DCIS
Miss Sarah Tang
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:25 to 12:55
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:35 to 11:45
Submitted paper: A National Review of the East Midlands Breast Pain Pathway - Community Breast Pain Clinics
Professor John Robertson
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:45 to 12:00
Breast Infections
Mr Daniel Leff
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:00 to 12:15
The ENIGMA of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis
Dr Goonj Johri
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:15 to 12:30
Skin Conditions of the Breast
Dr Jenny Hughes
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:30 to 12:40
Ms Jennifer Hu
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:40 to 12:50
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:10 to 14:25
St Gallen Consensus 2025 Update
Professor Michael Gnant
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:25 to 14:40
New Axillary Guidelines
Professor John Benson
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:40 to 14:55
Professor Stuart McIntosh
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:55 to 15:10
Professor Ramsey Cutress
Speaker(s) Portrait
15:10 to 15:25
Localisation Study Updates
Mr Edward St John, Mr Rajiv Dave
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:10 to 14:20
Submitted paper: Surviving longer, living harder - Addressing inequities in secondary breast cancer care
Mrs Caroline Tweedie
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:20 to 14:35
Metastatic Breast Cancer: Is There a Role for Surgery? Surgical Perspective
Professor Bahadir M. Gulluoglu
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:35 to 14:50
Metastatic Breast Cancer: Is There a Role for Surgery? Oncology Perspective
Dr Fharat Raja
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:50 to 15:05
Oligometastatic Disease: Should We Aim for a Cure?
Dr Anna Kirby
Speaker(s) Portrait
15:05 to 15:15
Patient View: Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice
Ms Lesley Stephen
Speaker(s) Portrait
15:15 to 15:25
Q&A panel discussion with speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:10 to 14:25
Management of Patients Undergoing Explantation: When and how
Rieka Taghizadeh
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:25 to 14:40
Augmentation Revision
Mr Paul Harris
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:50 to 14:55
Breast Cancer in Augmented Breasts
Mr Richard Sutton
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:55 to 15:10
Update on ALCL/BII
Dr Nicola Rocco
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:10 to 15:25
Q&A panel discussion with speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
15:55 to 16:05
Submitted paper: Does contralateral symmetrising reduction improve wellbeing and satisfaction for patients undergoing oncoplastic breast reduction? A 15 year retrospective cross-sectional study
Dr Raabia Farooqi
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:05 to 16:20
Failed Therapeutic Mammoplasty: Picking up the Pieces
Professor PG Roy
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:20 to 16:40
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery: The Uncomfortable Truth
Professor María João Cardoso
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:40 to 16:55
When to say no to Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Emma De Sousa
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:55 to 17:10
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
Professor PG Roy, Professor María João Cardoso, Emma De Sousa
Speaker(s) Portrait
15:55 to 16:10
BCIR data: 1 year data
Mr Lee Martin
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:10 to 16:25
GIRFT questionnaire data and update
Miss Tracey Irvine
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:25 to 16:40
Multimodal data in clinical practice with LLMs
Pedro Gouveia
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:40 to 16:55
Dr David Dodwell, Professor Robert Hills
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:55 to 17:05
Update on the National Breast Cancer Audits
Professor Kieran Horgan
Speaker(s) Portrait
17:05 to 17:10
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
15:55 to 16:10
Myths and misinformation in social media
Dr Cath Biddle
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:10 to 16:25
What we can and can’t do after axillary surgery
Miss Salena Bains
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:25 to 16:45
Myths about Radiotherapy
Dr John Conibear
Speaker(s) Portrait
16:45 to 17:00
Myths in Genetics and Hereditary Breast Cancer
Professor Diana Eccles
Speaker(s) Portrait
17:00 to 17:10
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
17:15 to 17:30
Mini symposium sponsored by Merit
Speaker(s) Portrait
17:30 to 17:45
Mini symposium sponsored by GC Aesthetics
Speaker(s) Portrait
17:45 to 18:00
Mini symposium sponsored by Novartis

Tuesday 20 May

Speaker(s) Portrait
09:00 to 09:15
Portfolio Pathway (CESR) in Breast Surgery
Ms Masooma Zaidi
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:15 to 09:30
The Importance of the Breast Surgeon in the ARCP Process
Miss Sisse Olsen
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:30 to 09:45
How I Maximise Training for my Trainees
Ms Sarah Downey
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:45 to 10:00
The Mammary Fold Annual Survey Results and Actions
Miss Yasmin Hassen
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:00 to 10:15
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:00 to 09:10
Submitted paper: Preoperative radiotherapy as a risk factor for implant loss - A 9-year retrospective analysis of implant-based reconstructions at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
Giselle Ngan
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:10 to 09:25
Professor Ian Kunkler
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:25 to 09:40
Radiotherapy: Less is more
Dr John Conibear
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:40 to 09:55
FAST-Forward Boost
Dr Anna Kirby
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:55 to 10:15
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
09:00 to 10:15
MDT panel
Anne Armstrong, Mr Ashu Gandhi, Ms Sarah Adomah, Pete Wallroth
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:45 to 11:00
When Things Go Wrong With Implant Based Reconstruction
Miss Rachel Tillett
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:00 to 11:15
Failed Implants: What is Next?
Dr Nicola Rocco
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:15 to 12:00
Case Presentation and Panel Discussion
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:45 to 10:55
Submitted paper: Clinical Management and Oncological Outcomes of Pure Pleomorphic and Florid Lobular Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast: Results from the MultiLCIS/OPBC International Multicentric Study
Dr Massimo Ferrucci
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:55 to 11:25
Wide Local Excision : Are there questions still remaining?
Professor Cliona Kirwan, Professor Kieran Horgan
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:25 to 11:35
B3 Lesions and High Risk Surveillance: Is 5 years what we need? Radiology Perspective
Dr Nisha Sharma
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:35 to 11:45
B3 Lesions and High Risk Surveillance: Is 5 years what we need? Pathology Perspective
Dr Abeer Shaaban
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:45 to 11:55
B3 Lesions and High Risk Surveillance: Is 5 years what we need? Surgical Perspective
Professor Lynda Wyld
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:55 to 12:00
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:45 to 10:55
Mastitis and Mammary Abscess Management Audit (MAMMA): A survey of patients’ perspective on the management of mammary abscesses in the UK
Alona Courtney
Speaker(s) Portrait
10:55 to 11:05
The efficacy and oncological safety of minimally invasive axillary strategies in node-positive breast cancer in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy: A network meta-regression and trial sequential analysis
Mr James Lucocq
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:05 to 11:15
Impact of boost radiation for close margins following breast conservation for ductal carcinoma in-situ
Mr Ahmed Ezzat
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:15 to 11:25
Management of infected breast implants; a review with meta-analysis and evidence-based practice recommendation
Dr Sonam Patel
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:25 to 11:35
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) for Intraoperative Histopathological Margin Assessment in Breast Conservation Surgery
Mr Ken Ho
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:35 to 11:45
Impact of treatment effect on oncological outcomes in patients with a negative sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for initially clinically node-positive disease
Mr Hussain Abdulla
Speaker(s) Portrait
11:45 to 11:55
Patient reported outcome measures in Immediate vs Delayed Contralateral Symmetrisation
Mr Ronak Patel
Speaker(s) Portrait
12:45 to 13:45
Shaping the future of treatment decisions using the Oncotype DX test: Excised Invasive Carcinoma vs Diagnostic Core Biopsy: What can we learn from the PRE-DX Study?
Speaker(s) Portrait
13:55 to 14:05
Dr Antonio Toesca
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:05 to 14:15
Tripedicle Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy
Dr Nicola Rocco
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:15 to 14:25
Key Considerations in Gender Affirming Mastectomy
Miss Chloe Wright
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:25 to 14:32
Video abstract: Skin-sparing mastectomy with dermal sling, implant and 3D ADM pre-pectoral reconstruction
Miss Sabrina Bezzaa
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:32 to 14:40
Video abstract: Extended ultrasound guided breast conserving surgery associated with LICAP flap mammaplasty
Dr Massimo Ferrucci
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:40 to 14:47
Video abstract: Therapeutic mammoplasty for all 9 zones of the breast - a simplified approach
Mr John Mathew
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:47 to 14:55
Video abstract: How to safely perform augmentation mastopexy
Mr James Lucocq
Speaker(s) Portrait
13:55 to 14:05
Genomic Profiling and Position of Risk Algorithms in Early Breast Cancer
Professor Mark Beresford, Dr Catherine Harper-Wynne
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:05 to 14:20
What We Know and What We Don’t About PREDICT 3
Dr Jeremy Braybrooke
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:20 to 14:35
Genomics Testing: Tissue or Blood?
Nick Turner
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:35 to 14:50
National Genomics Test Directory Update: What Is Available Now and in the Near Future
Professor Ellen Copson
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:40 to 14:55
Q&A Panel Discussion With Speakers
All Faculty
Speaker(s) Portrait
13:55 to 14:05
An Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) led community primary endocrine therapy (PET) service - A review of 6-years’ progress
Mrs Jacqueline Bailey
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:05 to 14:15
Breast endocrine side-effect clinic at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 1 year review
Mrs Laura Baggaley
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:15 to 14:25
Pilot program within NHS of R208 seven-gene germline genetic testing in unselected cases of breast cancer delivered using clinician-light pathway: Interim service evaluation findings from first 1756 patients
Bethany Torr
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:25 to 14:35
Metabolic syndrome - A new prognostic factor in postmenopausal women with oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer: A retrospective cohort study
Miss Rania Diab
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:35 to 14:45
Survival after breast-conserving surgery in patients with multi-site breast cancer
Miss Rebecca Swan
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:45 to 14:55
A system-wide approach to enable equitable access to risk-reducing endocrine therapy: Part of the Greater Manchester Endocrine Therapy Improvement Programme (ETIP)
Miss Clare Garnsey
Speaker(s) Portrait
14:55 to 15:05
The impact of patient and clinical characteristics on the experience of care for breast cancer patients in England: An analysis of Cancer Patient Experience Survey data
Sarah Blacker