About Us
The Mammary Fold is the national association run by trainees for trainees in breast and oncoplastic breast surgery in the UK.
Regional Representatives
If you are a Mammary Fold regional representative or thinking of applying, please read about what the role entails and how you can help build and maintain the MFAC.
Information about committee and regional representative vacancies will appear here in due course.
Aims & History

- To educate our members and to advance and promote standards and training in Breast Disease.
- To represent Breast Trainees on other appropriate bodies
- To advance the science of Breast Surgery and the art of Breast Reconstruction
- To enhance the attractiveness of the sub-specialty as a career choice and encourage interest in Breast Surgery amongst other surgical trainees
- To interact with colleagues outside the sub-specialty and foster greater awareness of the roles and tasks of the modern Breast Surgeon
Read the terms of reference of the Mammary Fold
The Mammary Fold was founded by surgeons attending the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) trainees meeting in Glasgow in 2003. The Mammary Fold has representation on the ABS Executive Committee, most ABS Committees (A+R, E+T, CPSC) and the Oncoplastic Training Interface Group and the Association of Surgeons in Training Council.
The Mammary Fold meet regularly for virtual meetings and several times a year at national conferences and also coordinate delegate invitations to international meetings through industry partners. Our aim is to be the voice for surgical trainees specialising in breast surgery, with particular commitment to education, research and representing trainees in all matters concerning training.
Join the Mammary Fold
In 2017 the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) and Mammary Fold introduced a new combined associate membership for both associations. The discounted membership fee is £58.00 per year for trainees who are at ST3 level or above and is free of charge for trainees who are at core trainee level or below.
ABS Mammary Fold Associate Membership offers great benefits to trainees, including:
- Discounted registration fees for the ABS Conference, Trainees Meeting and ABS courses
- Free access to Mammary Fold and ABS webinars
- Access to online CPD
- Eligibility to apply for a range of ABS and Mammary Fold fellowships
- Access to relevant guidelines and up-to-date information on relevant courses
- Webcasts of previous ABS and Mammary Fold meetings and webinars
- Tips and support on conducting and getting involved in research
- Weekly Mammary Fold bulletin e-mails
For more information about becoming an associate member of the ABS please contact ABS Office at office@absgbi.org.uk or complete and return the membership form.
The Mammary Fold is offering membership of its Junior Network to medical students, FY1 and 2, specialty doctors in years 1 and 2 and clinical fellows in order to support and inform those who may be considering a career in breast surgery. Applicants must be based in the UK or Ireland.
Membership of the Junior Network is free and applicants do not need to obtain sponsors to join. Members will receive regular communications from the Mammary Fold.
The Mammary Fold has a Private Facebook Group for members only. The group is restricted to current core and higher surgical trainees and medical students interested in breast surgery. Join using the link to get access to a private forum where you can:
- Get updates on upcoming events
- Discuss any topics and ask questions related to surgical training and breast surgery
You can also follow the Mammary Fold on Twitter (@TheMammaryFold1) and LinkedIn